Cavitation processors ROTON can help you to resolve the following technological challenges:
-production of biodiesel from various vegetable oils and fats using cutting-edge technology, distinguished by its high degree of conversion of fatty acid methyl esters, of up to 99%.There is no methanol recuperation and no need for the biodiesel to be washed or dried. Continuous biodiesel production 24/7.
-intensive emulsification and homogenization of liquids that are difficult to mix with the purpose of obtaining stable over time high-quality emulsions. Used in the food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries;
-production of liquid feed in agriculture;
-intensification of extraction processes. Cavitation effects are efficiently used for extraction of medical cannabinoids, pectins, carotene, tannins, astaxanthin and other valuable biomass substances. It is used in the pharmaceutical industry and medicine;
-supplementation of liquid fuel with various additives in order to reduce viscosity, ash content, sulfur and its oxides content, pour-depressant additives and additives for emission reduction. It is used in the petrochemistry and fuel industry;
-highly efficient homogenization “liquid + solids” with a simultaneous solid particles size reduction in the ready mixture (increase in dispersion). In these circumstances, hydromodulus can reach a value of 4, i.e. 4 parts of a liquid and 1 part of a solid substance. Solid inclusions can be various – whole grain products, plant seeds, fruit pits, eggshells, small crustaceans with a shell, dried crushed plants, etc. It is used in the food and pharmaceutical industries;
-significant acceleration of solid dissolution in a fluid solvent, intensification of chemical reactions, especially for multicomponent mixtures. It is used in the chemical industry;
– water and aqueous solutions activation. The effect of cavitation on water changes its physical and chemical properties: reduction of the oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) of water, recovery of the natural structure of water and activation of its molecules. It is used in the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries;
-water degasification from dissolved active gases during water treatment;
-cavitation heating of the product being processed occurs evenly throughout the liquid in the absence of heating surfaces, such as, for example, heating elements, which eliminates the risk of burn-on, local overheating, etc. It is used in any industries where volume heating is required;
-reagentless disinfection of water, liquid food products (pasteurization). It is used in the food and pharmaceutical industries.
The industrial cavitation processors ROTON are distinguished by ease of operation and maintenance, reliability and durability, high efficiency of cavitation processing of products. The processors ROTON are designed for continuous operation in an industrial environment – 24/7. The flow passage of the processors (cavitation chamber) is made from special stainless steel, which makes it possible to use them in the food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries.
CT SYSTEMS produces two product lines of cavitation processors:
– ROTON. For general industrial use, with a wide range of effects on various media;
– ROTON-B. For the production of biodiesel. This reactor was designed for the conduction of transesterification reaction with maximum efficiency, taking into account the viscosity of the components being treated and the temperature of the process.
The processors ROTON can be supplemented by the cavitation process automated control system ECCE in order to fine-tune cavitation processes and achieve maximum effect on the medium being processed in a wide variety of viscosities and temperatures.